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Donnerstag, 22. November 2012

and similarly situated creditors.....das sind wir mit unseren deutschen Bonds mit pari passu clause (auch und ausdrücklich für die Zahlungsverpflichtungen

wer den Weg nach New York sucht kann sich bei mir informieren....

T 06151 14 77 94


WHEREAS, in an Order dated December 7, 2011, this Court found that, under Paragraph 1(c) of the 1994 Fiscal Agency Agreement (“FAA”), the Republic is “required . . . at all times to rank its payment obligations pursuant to NML’s Bonds at least equally with all the Republic’s other present and future unsecured and unsubordinated External Indebtedness.”

vom 21.11.2012

The balance of the equities strongly supports this Order in light of the clear text of Paragraph 1(c) of the FAA and the Republic’s repeated failures to make required payments to NML. In the absence of the equitable relief provided by this Order, the Republic will continue to violate Paragraph 1(c) with impunity, thus subjecting NML to harm. On the other hand, the Order requires of the Republic only that which it promised NML and similarly situated creditors to induce those creditors to purchase the Republic’s bonds. Because the Republic has the financial wherewithal to meet its commitment of providing equal treatment to both NML (and similarly situated creditors) and those owed under the terms of the Exchange Bonds, it is equitable to require it to do so. Indeed, equitable relief is particularly appropriate here, given that the Republic has engaged in an unprecedented, systematic scheme of making payments on other external indebtedness, after repudiating its payment obligations to NML, in direct violation of its contractual commitment set forth in Paragraph 1(c) of the FAA.

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