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Samstag, 20. April 2013

der Anwalt Argentiniens Blackman von Cleary Gottlieb wird von einer Richterin des Court of Appeals befragt ob sich Argentinien an ein Urteil (wenns denn negativ für A. ausfällt) halten würde.....und Blackman sagt, nein wir halten uns nicht daran (er "stottert" ein wenig dabei) im Gerichtssaal sassen der stellv. Präsident und der Wirtschaftsminister Argentiniens....

der Anwalt Argentiniens Blackman von Cleary Gottlieb wird von einer Richterin des Court of Appeals befragt ob sich Argentinien an ein Urteil (wenns denn negativ für A. ausfällt) halten würde.....und Blackman sagt, nein wir halten uns nicht daran (er "stottert" ein wenig dabei) im Gerichtssaal sassen der stellv. Präsident und der Wirtschaftsminister Argentiniens....

1 Jonathan Blackman: We---we---we would not voluntarily obey
2 such an order, but I'd like to explain, because that's
3 a---that's a red flag.
4 Judge Raggi: What does that mean, voluntarily
5 obey? I mean, we would issue an order, and---I---I just want to
6 be sure you're telling---you're telling us it wouldn't be
7 obeyed?
8 Jonathan Blackman: I'm telling you it wouldn't be
9 voluntarily obeyed, and that gets me to a fundamental point.
10 And I don't want to wave a red---
11 Judge Raggi: What does voluntarily mean?
12 Jonathan Blackman: Please would---
13 Judge Raggi: I mean, we're not gonna send out the 
14 marshals, you know.
15 Jonathan Blackman: Well, that's the point, that's---
16 Judge Raggi: Okay, so---
17 Jonathan Blackman: You can’t send out the marshalls---
18 Judge Raggi: --there will be no compliance except
19 basically you're dictating what the court [OVERLAY] would order.
20 Jonathan Blackman: We're not trying to dictate. We'r

1 Jonathan Blackman: We---we---we would not voluntarily obey 
2 such an order, but I'd like to explain, because that's
3 a---that's a red flag.
4 Judge Raggi: What does that mean, voluntarily
5 obey? I mean, we would issue an order, and---I---I just want to
6 be sure you're telling---you're telling us it wouldn't be
7 obeyed?
8 Jonathan Blackman: I'm telling you it wouldn't be 
9 voluntarily obeyed, and that gets me to a fundamental point.
10 And I don't want to wave a red---
11 Judge Raggi: What does voluntarily mean?
12 Jonathan Blackman: Please would---
13 Judge Raggi: I mean, we're not gonna send out the
14 marshals, you know.
15 Jonathan Blackman: Well, that's the point, that's---
16 Judge Raggi: Okay, so---
17 Jonathan Blackman: You can’t send out the marshalls---
18 Judge Raggi: --there will be no compliance except
19 basically you're dictating what the court [OVERLAY] would order.
20 Jonathan Blackman: We're not trying to dictate. We'r

aus dem Anhörungsprotokoll vom vor einigen Monaten...

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